⏰ Tuesday, September 19 at 5pm EST ⏰

Join Dr. Jason Porter for a live, dynamic discussion about the critical role of biomarker testing and clinical trials in lung cancer!

Dr. Porter will partner with Estelamari Rodriguez, MD, MPH from the University of Miami’s Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center and moderator Terric Conneran, Founder of KRAS Kickers, to dive into the realities of participating in a lung cancer clinical trial. Lung cancer patient, Mike Smith will share also his real-life experience and perspective.

Key Topics:

🟢 Understanding different lung cancer types and the significance of biomarker testing
🟢 Evolution of biomarker testing inclusivity for all patients
🟢 Focus on KRAS and EGFR biomarkers, available treatments, and ongoing clinical trials
🟢 Expert insights on current and promising clinical trials
🟢 Importance of proactive patient engagement in finding suitable clinical trial opportunities