We are with you every step of the way. As a West Cancer Center patient, you and your loved ones have a unique benefit of comprehensive and individualized support throughout your journey here. We have a variety of services specifically dedicated to helping patients identify potential barriers that may prevent them from receiving the best treatment possible. Some of these barriers could be financial, transportation or support. Our Care Team will help tackle these obstacles to clear the path for you to focus on healing.

A list of our supportive services are below.
Please contact [email protected] to inquire about any or all of these programs, or talk to your care team during your next visit.
If you are without adequate insurance coverage, financial services and patient assistance programs are available. If you are underinsured or need assistance, please contact 901.683.0055 ext. 68151 or email [email protected].
Home care is supportive care provided in the home. Care may be provided by licensed healthcare professionals who offer medical treatment or by professional caregivers who offer daily assistance in daily activities. West Cancer Center offers these services at the request of your family. To learn more about our Home Health care, please contact your Care Support Coordinator at [email protected].
Hospice care is a type of supportive care and philosophy that alleviates a chronically, terminally, or seriously ill patient’s pain and symptoms. Hospice care can also address you or your loved one’s emotional and spiritual needs as well. West Cancer Center is proud to offer these services through a contracted community partner. To learn more about our Hospice care, please contact your Care Support Coordinator at [email protected].
Cancer treatment can affect your physical, social, psychological, and work-related abilities. Rehabilitation before, during, and after treatment can offer patients more opportunities to gain strength to improve their physical health and maintain independence. Rehabilitation can improve strength, increase your ability to care for yourself, reduce anxiety and depression, plus manage other cancer symptoms including fatigue, sleep and pain.
Lymphedema is related to the functioning of the lymphatic system which helps fight off infection and clear debris from the body. The lymph nodes remove bacteria and debris from the lymph before draining into the bloodstream. When lymph nodes are removed or damaged as a result of cancer treatment there is a problem with the flow of lymph resulting in an abnormal buildup of fluid that causes swelling, known as lymphedema.
West Cancer Center & Research Institute is proud to offer a lymphedema therapy program for all patients, along with a garment program to provide necessary garments for those in need.
Our nurse navigators are registered nurse with clinical oncology knowledge specializing in assisting and guiding oncology patients through the different phases of their cancer journey. These nurses serve as your primary point of contact and assist you in making informed decisions, educating you on the plan for your care and treatment, coordinating different aspects of the your care, advocating for your needs, accessing supportive care resources, and assisting you throughout the healthcare systems.
Good nutrition, a healthy weight, and regular physical activity can reduce your risk of first or recurrent cancers. Good nutrition can also make a difference in how you feel during treatment, and even help reduce some of the unwanted side effects. West Cancer Center offers nutritional services from a Registered Dietician Nutritionist that specializes in Oncology Nutrition to help you “eat to beat cancer” no matter where you are in your cancer journey.
Click here to learn more and to access treatment-related nutrition education.
Social workers are available to assist with both emotional and practical support once a patient has been diagnosed with cancer. We offer counseling to help improve communication with family members and friends, as a new diagnosis and treatment can lead to many changes. We also offer practical assistance, including linking patients to community financial resources and/or grants potentially available. For more information, please contact [email protected].
- We assist patients in establishing mental health care or medication management with community providers, as needed.
- We contact patients referred to psycho-oncology to complete intake assessments and assist with any needed referrals.
- We help educate patients about the clinic’s supportive care services that are available.
- We manage a list of support groups for both West and in the community, to provide the most inclusive list to our patients.
- We are available to make contact patients who are found to be distressed in the clinic, on the phone, or scoring relatively high on screenings to conduct a psychosocial assessment to evaluate and address their needs.
- We work with non-compliant patients to help them engage potential social supports who can act as resources and accountability.
- We help identify and address any barriers to compliance, when possible.
- We provide emotional support for family members and/or caregivers who are struggling to balance responsibilities or the reality of a patient’s diagnosis.
- We provide education to nurses and other staff members about psychosocial issues.
- We coordinate with various members of the treatment team to advocate for the patient and help facilitate the best outcomes possible for each patient.
- We provide social work services free of charge.

Learn more about how to schedule an appointment or refer a patient to our oncology specialists here at West Cancer Center.