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BREAST: Metastatic; BRCA mutant; "M12-895"

A randomized, phase 2 study of the efficacy and tolerability of veliparib in combination with temozolomide or veliparib in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel versus placebo plus carboplatin and paclitaxel in subjects with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation and metastatic breast cancer

Abbott M12-895
Study Title
A randomized, phase 2 study of the efficacy and tolerability of veliparib in combination with temozolomide or veliparib in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel versus placebo plus carboplatin and paclitaxel in subjects with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation and metastatic breast cancer
Site Link
Breast, Metastatic Breast Cancer
Disease Setting
Metastatic palliative
Line Of Therapy
1st line2nd line3rd line
Investigational Agent
Drug Class
PARP inhibitor
Lee Schwartzberg, MD
AbbVie (Abbott)
Key Eligibility Criteria
Key Eligibility Criteria Details

Unresectable recurrent or metastatic disease
BRCA1 or BRCA2 germline mutation
ECOG 0-2
If HER2 positive, must have either progressed on HER2 tx or ineligible to receive HER2 tx
No more than 2 prior lines of cytotoxicchemotherapy
No prior taxane therapy in metastatic setting
No brain mets or history of brain mets
Not pregnant or breastfeeding_

Primary- PFS; Secondary- OS, CBR, ORR, Chemo-induced neuropathy
Assessment Frequency
Assessment Frequency 2

Assessment Frequency Link
BRCA germline mutation
Dosing Frequency
Veliparib Day 1-7 and temozolomide Day 1-5 of 28 day cycle; Veliparib Day 1-7 and Carbo/Taxol Day 3 of 21 day cycle;
Control Agents
Placebo, temozolomide, carbo/taxol
Study Protocol