Brown Dudley was diagnosed with leukemia in 2015, all while raising a young family and recently becoming the business owner of a growing company in Memphis. Brown didn’t prioritize his own health habits much before diagnosis, but amidst treatment, he found himself becoming tired and depressed. After a conversation with his doctor, Lee Schwartzberg, he decided to take control of his health. Brown started with a simple diet – cutting out all processed foods and sugars. After seeing an improvement in his energy and mood, he started becoming more active by opening a gym membership and working out regularly. These modifications to his lifestyle not only improved his mood, but strengthened his fight against cancer.

Three years later and Brown is feeling better than he ever has, even through the diagnosis of his leukemia. He is able to care for his family, and his business is thriving more than ever.

Brown says, “Some people let a diagnosis like this run their lives, but in a negative way. I let this diagnosis shape my future, but for the better.” Brown’s healthier lifestyle lead to the sale of his company and the opening of a now thriving healthy meal preparation business, called Soli. Brown is now able to help others in their journey to healthier living by providing portion controlled, healthy meals delivered right to your door at affordable pricing.

Brown’s hope is to continue this path to healthier living where he has even more opportunities to help others, and most importantly – be the best father to his sons.


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With every fighter there is a story, and with every story, an inspiration to fight on. Your story can be the difference in the life of another cancer fighter like you. We invite patients of the West Cancer Center, past and present, to share stories here. If you would like to share your story, please contact West Cancer Center’s Marketing Department.