At West Cancer Center & Research Institute, our comprehensive team of specialists are here to provide you with the latest treatments and personalized care plans. We see on average 1,069 new gastrointestinal cancer patients annually for the most common types including colorectal, esophageal, liver, stomach, and pancreatic cancers.

Colorectal cancer is ranked third as the most common type of cancer and 68% of new digestive cancer patients in the Mid-South trust West Cancer Center for their care.

Our GI Cancer Specialists

You can trust our multidisciplinary specialists to work together to create a plan specific to your disease to ensure the most positive outcomes and quality of life.

Ramakrishna Battini, MD

Medical Oncology Lead

Axel Grothey, MD

Medical Oncology Lead

Bradley Somer, MD

Medical Oncology Lead

Noam VanderWalde, MD

Radiation Oncology Lead

Scott Baum, MD


Jeffrey Green, MD


Sridhar Shankar, MD


Daniel Powell, MD


Chika Obele, MD, DABR


Janice Pazar, PhD


Lauren Taylor, MSN, FNP-C

Palliative Care

W. Clay Jackson, MD, DipTh

Palliative Care

Sommer Brannan, MSN, FNP

Palliative Care

Anita Vincent, RDN, LDN

Oncology Nutrition Specialist