Erich Mounce used three simple numbers today to introduce the crowd in a tent erected outside the West Cancer Center in Germantown to the purpose of the new $60.5 million facility. The number of cancer patients anticipated to walk through the doors in the next 12 months: 35,234. The number expected to be treated with… Read more »
Posts By: Julie Flanery
After 30 years, Tauer still ready to battle cancer
What began as an internship at Baptist Memorial Hospital more than 30 years ago has turned into a one of the most influential medical careers in the local health care community for Kurt Tauer, chief of staff at the West Cancer Clinic. “One of my interests is treating patients, but disparity and end of life… Read more »
Researchers predict 50% more women diagnosed with breast cancer by 2030
Dr. Vidal with West Cancer Center, who has dedicated his life to research, said he didn’t want the numbers to scare people. “Anything that brings attention to it is a plus in my book. What I don’t want to happen is for people to overreact by seeing the numbers,” he said. Vidal explained a big… Read more »
West Cancer Center fundraising initiative launched with Plough donation
The West Cancer Center is establishing a new 501(c) 3 charity for cancer research. Announced earlier today, The University of Tennessee/West Institute for Cancer Research will work to raise funds for adult cancer research in Memphis. The first step in the fundraising process is a $2.5 million gift from the Plough Foundation, which will be… Read more »