As a patient receiving care at West Cancer Center and Research Institute, we want you to know the rights and responsibilities you have as a patient early in your care. These rights, among others, include respectful and considerate treatment, involvement in making decisions about your care, privacy of your health information, and designating the individuals who can visit you or be involved in your care.


As a patient, you have the right to:


Personal Privacy I Visitation:

  • To have your personal dignity respected, this includes the availability of having a medical chaperone available for sensitive exams
  • To have your personal privacy protected
  • To have your medical record kept private and confidential
  • To provide prior consent before the making of recordings, films, or other images for purposes other than your care
  • To have a support person stay with you during appointments, unless it infringes upon the rights of others or is medically unsafe


  • To be free from all forms of abuse or harassment
  • To access protective and advocacy services

Cultural and Spiritual Values:

  • To have your cultural, psychological, spiritual and personal values, beliefs, and preferences respected
  • To have access to pastoral and other spiritual services

Access to Quality Care:

  • To receive care regardless of your age, race, color, national origin, culture, ethnicity, language, socioeconomic status, religion, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression
  • To ask for a change of provider or second opinion
  • To be well-informed about your diagnosis, possible treatments, and likely outcome, and to discuss this information with your doctor.

Access to Information:

  • To access your medical record and to know who else has accessed your records
  • To question what is documented in your medical record and request changes to that documentation
  • To have your decisions honored regarding end-of-life care (advance directives)
  • To request assistance with your advance directives
  • To know the names of professional titles of your caregivers
  • To receive information about your clinical charges regardless of your insurance coverage or ability to pay
  • To be involved in decisions that affect your care by providing you with information and answering your questions
  • To refuse any care, treatment, and services and consequences of the refusal
  • To know when any portion of your care is considered experimental or for research purposes, and to receive information about risk, benefits, and alternatives to the purposed treatment
  • To request assistance with ethical matters
  • To be informed of unanticipated adverse outcomes

Concerns, Complaints and Grievances:

  • To express concerns about your care and have those concerns not interfere with your current or future care
  • To express concerns, complaints, and/or grievance to the patient advocate or a member of the administrative team
  • If you feel that we are not able to resolve or address your concern, you may file your concern with the Tennessee Department of Healthcare Facilities or TNCARE Solutions


Tennessee Department of Healthcare Facilities:

(877) 287.0010

TNCARE Solutions:

English (800) 878.3192

Espaňol (800) 254.7568

P.O. Box 593, Nashville, TN 37202-0593 TID/TDD: (800) 772.7647

As patient, you have the responsibility to:


Share Important Information:

  • To give us complete and accurate information about your health
  • To provide written health information when requested
  • To inform us of changes in your condition or symptoms, including pain
  • To notify us immediately if you have any safety concerns
  • To speak up if you are not happy with your care

Ask Questions and Follow Instructions:

  • To ask questions about your care, treatment, and services
  • To tell us if you clearly understand your plan of care and the things you are asked to do.
  • To inform your doctor if you believe you cannot follow through with treatment
  • To make appointments and arrive on time. You must call in advance when you cannot keep a scheduled appointment

Make Financial Arrangements:

  • To make financial arrangements for timely payment of your bill

Follow Rules and Regulations:

  • To follow the rules and regulations of West Cancer Center
  • To be actively involved in planning your care and do your part of the plan
  • Arrange for proper storage of personal items such as dentures, glasses, and hearing aids when removed for specific procedures
  • Follow the no smoking policy. We are a Tobacco-free environment.

Show Respect and Consideration:

  • To be considerate and cooperative to other patients, visitors, and staff.
  • To respect the rights, privacy, and property of others
  • To maintain the confidentiality of staff, visitors, and other patients by not talking on speaker phone, not taking cell phone pictures, or audio/video recordings of staff, visitors, and other patients.
  • To speak and act in a respectful manner. Using discriminatory or culturally insensitive language or behavior is not acceptable. Yelling, verbal threats or physical harm to other patients, staff, visitors, or property is not acceptable. These may be grounds for dismissal.

Should you have any questions or comments, please contact [email protected].